Sunday, February 21, 2010

Supernatural Prosperity is Real

What is Poverty? It could be defficiences of necessities or state or condition of having little or no money to support your plans or dreams.
According to Deuteronomy 28 v38-51, poverty is a curse and in Proverbs 10 v15 says poverty is a destroyer of destiny.

1 Kings 17 v8-16 will be used to explain how we can enjoy supernatural prosperity. There are four (4) advantages from supernatural prosperity
1. it produces endless supplies 1 Kings 17 v16
2. it is not dependent on the environment 1 Kings 17 v14
3. It is generational Psalm 13 v22
4. It never brings sorrow Proverbs 10 v22 and also adds protection Numbers 23 v20 Psalm 23 v4.

The Master Key to supernatural prosperity is COMPLETE OBEDIENCE.

The sHven practical principles to obey are:
1. have NEW BIRTH galatians 3 v13-14
2. Find and stay in the right Church jeremiah 3 v15-16
3. Tithing Malachi 3 v8-10, Genesis 14 v18-
4. Give towards Kingdom projects Haggai 1 v1-11
5. Giving to your parents Ephesians 6 v2-3 (and make it regular)
6. Giving to the poor Proverbs 19 v17, 21 v13
7. Giving to the prophet 1 Corinthians 9 v11; Galatians 6 v6-9; Romans 15 v27; Hebrews 7 v7; mathew 10 v40

The devil will come with some of the lies below to destroy your link to supernatural prosperity. I should not believe them.
1. I do not have enough money 2 Corinthians 8 v1-5
2. The Church wants my money Psalm 50 v10-13, Philipians 4 v16-17
3. My previous giving were not appreciated Hebrews 11 v4
4. My little contributions will not make a difference Hebrews 11 v4
5. I'm giving too much 2 Corinthians 9 v6
6. I have had no harvest from previous giving galatians 6 v7-9

I am a financial wonder!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mindset of a Financial Wonder

Riches start from the mind. Proverbs 23 v7,9. When riches are evident people will associate and listen to you.

Some steps to destroy mindset/barrier of poverty

1. Take personal responsibility: According to Proverbs 9 v 12, whether you are wise or foolish it is for yourself.

2. Acquire knowledge: In Ecclesiates 10 v10, wisdom brings success and verse 15 states that there is need to have marketable skills.

3. Understand that God is God: In Genesis 1 v2, God owns everything because he created every thing. In the comtemporary world, land is the greatest physical asset and Genesis 1 v9 says God owns all the land.

An understanding that God is God will destroy all mindsets holding you down because you will learn to trust and believe Him for all your needs.Psalms 50 v12 and Genesis 14 v18-23 are confirmations that God is God.

Note: In relating to people, do so based on what they know and not what they can give you. For example, Solomon asked God for wisdom and not wealth but got others things as well.

Books to read: Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill and The Jewish Phenomenon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Foundations for Wonders: Are you a Wonder?

Isaiah 8 v18 reads " Behold, I and the children whom the Lord hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the Lord of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.
Isaiah 8:18 (KJV)" This is reinforced by 1 Peter 2 v9 that says i am a royal priesthood, a chosen generation etc. I am unique.

God's plan is to use my uniqueness to draw attention to the gospel. Zechariah 8 v20-23. I can only be unique if I have a unique experience with God. Isaiah 60 v8. this unique experience requires me to have the NEW BIRTH EXPERIENCE (Born Again) as recorded in John 1 v11-13 and John 3 v1-10.

The root source of Wonders is the NEW BIRTH EXPERIENCE John 3 v6-8. At new birth you experience the following seven (7) things :
1. Enlarged capacity to love Romans 5 v5
2. Hope Colossians 1 v27; Romans 4 v17-20
3. Ability to have spiritual understanding 1 Corinthians 2 v13-14
4. Access to heavenly resources
7. A different class of people John 3 v6-8, 2 peter 1 v3-4

To be a Wonder requires having the NEW BIRTH EXPERIENCE.

Monday, February 1, 2010

BOLD ACTIONS - Developing your capacity to Excel

As a conclusion to the topic "Developing your capacity to Excel" there is a need to take bold steps. Taking action is very important after building up the spirit and having balanced knowledge.

Being bold comes from inside and is displayed on the outside. Boldness is built on knowledge. Taking action based on external information is pride that will lead to destruction.

To excel, bold action must be in words (saying), love (giving) and action (doing). All these must be done for results to show. Acts 14 v1-3 supports this. The word of God was preached boldly even when people were against it and wonders still occurred.